Vose Hill Road

Our clients were looking to update the overgrown front entrance of an otherwise beautiful house. After seeing our work on a neighbors walkway and planting, they approached us about a design for the spring to include granite stairs, cobblestone lined walkway, and plantings to enhance curb appeal. We asked if they were interested in doing it before Thanksgiving, and the push was on!

We decided on a red/gray paver for the walkway to tie in with the existing house colors. The planting was designed around mostly shade tolerant shrubs and perennials that will make quite an impact in the spring. Towards the sun/shade line a "Bloodgood" Japanese maple anchors the planting bed with ground cover perennials and shrubs underneath. Leucothoe is perfect shrub for the foundation surround which turns reddish-purple in the fall. In fact this whole planting is designed to change color throughout the seasons, while still giving a great deal of winter interest. For that, we added conical "Blue Princess" hollies against the new granite stairs and a slow-growing "Red Cone" Norway spruce below a ring of mossy stones to add character, mellow the grade to the driveway, and help with rainwater runoff. 

All in all, we are very pleased, along with our clients, at how this job came out. In fact we were called "true stone artists" at one point by the owner... We can't wait until spring, when this garden will truly shine!